Envelope Follower Mapping

I like to map audio envelope followers to sliders in generators and effects. I have found that after a while these connections stop working and I have to remap them or they fail to remap to the same slider. I was wondering if anyone has had this same issue? (using M1 Macbook on Ableton 11.3 Ebosuite 2.2)

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Hi Oli,
That sounds annoying, let’s see if we can figure out what is going on:

  • does it only happen with EboSuite devices or also with other max devices?
  • does it happen during editing/playback or when saving/loading a set?
  • do you use the latest version of the follower? the one that is now in ‘audio effects → modulators’?
  • if it happens during editing/playback is it related to a certain action? (Like selecting a new effect in the isf devices0
  • if it happens is anything printed in the max for live window? (you can open that by right clicking on a titlebar of a max for live device)


I don’t really have the same problem, but have some graphic issues with LFOs and enveloppes followers curves analyzers and vuemeters of compressors too. Thoses are freezing visually but don’t stop working. when it’s happening I have some graphic lags on anleton interface and ebosuite screen too. On M1 Max 64… sometimes I have to reupload videos files or reboot ableton but not always…

Hi Ecume,
Let’s try to figure out what is going on in your case.
In Ableton all the max messages and automation is shared with the GUI updates of Ableton. That can be really annoying.
It really helps to limit the update rate when you are using the LFO and envelope devices, check my variants here.
Can you also check the max for live window (right click on the device title of a max for live window) when it happens? Does it happen on specific moments in a set?

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Well there is not really a time when it happens, and I think a lot of thing influences this issue. I have a complex use of midi and complex lfos like strange mod MFA Solarus etc that is certainly a big part of the problem but I will check if with your lfos it work better thanks for sharing this :ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3:

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