Eclip is missing from the zip I downloaded. In the online tutorial, you need this. Have things changed since the tutorial? Is Ebosuite 2 different?
Hi Shamanot,
In EboSuite 2.0 some plug-ins are renamed. eClips is now called eSession. It is a lot of work to change all the tutorials so we didn’t do that yet. Other name changes are:
eClips - eSession
eSyphonIn - eVideoReceive
eSyphonOut - eVideoSend
eFX-Mask - eMask
eFX-Fade - eFade
eFX-Crop - eCrop
eText2Syphon - eText
Also the location of the plug-ins has been changed in 2.0. Plug-ins are now grouped in folders.
Thank you! Is everything else the same? Are there any videos out there that go over any differences yet?
You can read about the differences in the change log:
Quick-tips and Tutorials you’ll find embedded in the manual: