EboSuite 2.2 (release date 2023-11-27)

This update brings the following new additions/fixes:

  • installer: fixed Mac Sonoma conflict and fixed crash

  • eISF and eFX-ISF: simplified browsing (merged categories and types)

  • eISF and eFX-ISF: next shader buttons mappable

  • eISF and eFX-ISF: added buttons to open ISF website, ISF folder and OLAV ISF channel for easy online shader browsing and adding them to the plug-ins

  • eText: added support for arrangement clips

  • eTrackTransform: added pixel mode

  • eSimpler: fixed situation when triggering slices outside of range

  • eSimpler: added option to link simpler’s envelope to opacity

  • eArrangement: various playback improvements

  • General: allowing longer videos to be loaded

  • Various other fixes and improvements

Download the updated installer here .

Or if you prefer to install this update manually, download the manual installation files here .


amazing update thank you!!! <3

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this is going to be massive

Hello, I have just tested the automatable next shader buttons function on eISF and Efx-ISF and which is mappable by midi controller, it works ok with shader changes, then I tried to record them on a track, we see in editing the on off movements of previous/next but the reading is not functional, it becomes Gray?!
Sincerely, Harry

Hi Harry,
I am sorry, I made a mistake when I wrote the changelog. The buttons are mappable, not automatable yet. That will be something for a future update.

Thank you Ebo team! The new eSimpler ‘envelope to opacity’ and TrackTransform improvements will be really helpful.

Is there a minimum Ableton/Max version for any of this? I still use Suite 11.2.7 for stability reasons (and because I’m afraid to upgrade to 11.3 :wink:)

And can I assume it’s all backward compatible with all the projects that I made with 2.1?
Thanks again!

The minimum Ableton Live version is Live 10, so any Live 11 version should work fine. EboSuite 2.2 is backwards compatible with EboSuite 2.1 projects. But (!) when you have projects with the eText plug-in in Session View, you’ll have to set the plug-in to Session manually, because it is set to Arrangement View by default. I am sorry for that inconvenience.

Excellent, thank you!

I requested eText functionality in arrangement some time ago and it was worth the wait.
Great work , thanks !

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Hi, nice to hear. I got a question about installation. Does the old installation have to be removed first or can I just install over it?

Hi, you don’t have to remove the old installation and can just run the installer over it. Cheers!

That´s the way! Thanx a lot! :slight_smile:

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does it support ableton 12 ?

We haven’t tested that enough, but if not we’ll release another update immediately.

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Congrats to you (and all of us)! You guys rock, thanks for all you do.

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I just updated, and I have a problem with the E Track Transform plugin.
I had automated my Live set with Clyphx Pro snapshots under version 2.0 and under version 2.1 everything still worked well but now when I open and read my project with Ebo 2.2 it no longer respects the modulations that I had recorded on one of my tracks where the ebosuite plugins are factory grouped, the other tracks work well.

Also before I had in “Machintosch HD_user_share” a folder “My ISF” and now the installation adds “My Shader” should I copy my shaders from the “My ISF” folder into “My Shader” and keep both or I can you delete “My ISF” once the copy has been executed ?

What is going on ?

Thanks for your help.

Hi Tsukai,
The new eTrackTransform plug-in (with pixel precision) might not to be backwards compatible with Clyphx Pro in all cases, so unfortunately you’ll probably have to redo those presets. I am sorry.

We added the My Shaders folder to the installation to make it clearer for new users where to put downloaded shaders. You can use your own way to organise shaders in the ISF folder and don’t have to use this folder. You can even delete that folder. Please do not add shaders to the Standard or EboStudio folders though, because the installer might replace these folders with new shaders in future updates.

hey guys,

keep getting a missing package error
any idea?


Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 11.28.53 PM

Hi Richard, maybe downloading the installer failed? Could you download it again and make sure you don’t move files from the installer folder?

This error can also appear in some cases due to permission errors, to avoid this, keep the installer folder in the Downloads folder and don’t move it.

You can always use the manual installation. let me know if you need help with that. You’ll find the manual installation files here:

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Hi Jeroen

Thank you very much for your quick feedback, I am really disappointed by this bad news, but I will adapt, know that I am also delighted with the good news announcing a more efficient plugin !
Ok for the My ISF or Shader folder I will make my choice.

looking forward to discussing.