Workaround mute when solo on

Hi Jeroen,

I have a bunch of tracks, some audio, some video.

I have one track that acts as ‘backup’ video - it has no audio. You see it if I happen to be playing a track that is audio only and no video tracks.

When I play I use the solo buttons. Solo buttons on audio tracks make the screen go black.

Is there a workaround for this that I’m not seeing? Any suggestions welcome.


Maybe someone smarter than me can chime in, but I think this is just the way the Solo feature is meant to work.

But maybe this will help:
Ableton settings > Record,Warp&Launch > Exclusive > Solo (make it grey)
…then you can have multiple tracks Solo-ed at the same time. You could set your ‘backup’ video set to Solo, and add other tracks as you like by clicking their Solo button.

Or, just de-Activate all the tracks, then Activate your ‘backup’ video track, and then Activate/de-Activate the other audio tracks as needed.

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Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn’t considered these settings. It seems however this would no longer allow playing live with the solo button.