Windows development road map for Mac Only modules?


Hoping one of the developers can comment whether work is being done to bring these modules to Windows, if there is any progress.

Very happy to see EboSuite on Windows in any capacity. I would love eVideoIn for Windows, specifically.

eISF (Mac only)
eVideoIn (Mac only)
eText (Mac only)
eFX (Mac only)
eFX-ISF (Mac only)
eBlend (Mac only)
eMask (Mac only)
eGroup (Mac only)
eCrossfade (Mac only)
eReturnTrack (Mac only)
eFeedback (Mac only)
eVideoReceive (Mac only)
eSampler - Mac only function: Record video and use your recording immediately in your performance.

Hi jZ1978, we are working on very cool updates, but I can’t get too specific about what feature will be released when. Our ambition is to bring the Windows version up to par with the Mac version asap.

Wonderful! Thank you for your continued work! I hope your progress isnt too difficult.