Videos disappear

i got a problem with Live 12 Suite and the last EBO Suite…
MAC Studio M1 MAX, 64 GB, enough space on HD and the newest OSX version.
Same happend on my MBP M1 MAX, 32 GB, newest OSX too…

After building and saving a project with everything, FX, automations and and and… The video files (one Project with 2, the other with 5 second long clips, made by Premiere, mp4, H264) were no longer shown in the video window after restarting the project.
Different ways to present videos, Drum Rack or Audio.
ISF Automation by one project runs fine (like a searchlight), but videos are not shown.

Can someone please help me?
I can send the project files, if needed…

Hi, let’s figure out what is happening. The first thing to look at is the video compression. H264 doesn’t work well for live video applications, because it heavily compresses the video (that is why the files are small) and that means it demands a lot from the cpu to unpack while playing. If you are working on a larger project with multiple videos in several EboSuite plug-ins and multiple audio plug-ins in Live, this will cause unpredictable issues eventually. I can imagine that what you are experiencing now is related to that. Could you convert all video files to Hap with the eConvert plug-in or AVF Batch Exporter and then try again?

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Hi Jeroen,
this works! Thanx a lot… The CPU-Load is on 35%. I can imagine there is a lot work to do for my machine :slight_smile:

And thanks for the Tip with the Batch Encoder…!

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