I recently purchased ebosuite and tested the videos before my gig. They worked before my gig, but the screen came up black at the show. I converted all of my videos to HAP-Q, loaded them into an audio track in Ableton and added eClip to the track. I tried reloading the videos and it is still coming up as a black screen. Any help fixing this would be amazing!
hi Beardicorn
Are you using an eClips plug-in on a MIDI track? eClips works only for clips on audio tracks in Session View. You should use the eSampler/eSimpler to play videos on MIDI tracks.
I think i have the exact same issue. The following issue keeps popping up when I’m using Ebosuite;
I have built a complete live set including visuals in Ableton (Ableton 11.2.7) for my show. The visuals seem to be running just fine in Ebosuite, until seemingly out of nowhere, the output video window becomes black and stays that way. In the last few days, if have tried opening the same Ableton set throughout the week, and sometimes the visuals work, and sometimes they don’t. I have not found a pattern for why this happens yet.
I have tested the same video’s in an empty set, and then everything works fine. Until a certain, I randomly arrive at the same point and the output video window becomes completely black again.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue? I have a live show in Paradiso Amsterdam this Friday for which I really need this to work. Any help will be much appreciated!
SOLVED: using many H264 videos can lead to unexpected behaviour of EboSuite and Live. We strongly recommend using the HAP or ProRes video codec (ProRes is hardware accelerated on M1).
H264 is very compressed and therefore demanding on the CPU. Use the eConvert plug-in or the AVF Batch exporter to convert videos to HAP or ProRes (ProRes 422LT for videos without alpha, ProRes4444 for videos with alpha).