Hi. I’m in the process of investing in a new laptop, and wanted to know if EboSuite 2 supports using the new hardware ProRes Decoders/Encoders on the Apple M1 Pro etc?
As far as I know it’s part of the VideoToolBox API / AVFoundation, but I’m not sure if it’s something that has to be specifically catered for by developers. Does anybody know if this is the case? I’d imagine this could be a great alternative to HAP etc.
hi @jiiiitro .
Good question. From what I could find this is handled automatically by apple’s frameworks if compiled with the latest sdk’s (which we use). I couldn’t find any other thing on our side to enable this. I am also curious how this will compare to HAP.
related: in the past ProRes encoding came only with certain paid Apple products, but we found out that new clean macs already had ProRes codecs installed by default.
Hi Jiiiitro, I did some tests and I didn’t notice a difference in playback performance between ProRes422 and Hap when I am playing 30 full HD (1920x1080) videos simultaneously. Both codecs work well in this case. I haven’t looked at Hap R for a while, because encoding used to be very slow. I will discuss this with the team.