The Windows version! Well done!

First, I want to say congratulations on the release of the Windows version of Ebosuite - given that most of the video based Ableton tools are Mac only, then that either means there isn’t a market for video use in Windows (which I doubt) or, it’s very hard to do.
Either way, congratulations on getting something out there, and that it works!

I am very new to Ebosuite, being a Windows user, and am looking at the trial version and so far I am very impressed - it ticks many of the boxes for how I want to use video in my projects without investing in things like Resolume.

The feature disparity is a concern and I do recognise this is a first release of what I presume is a near total rewrite, but given that the cost is the same regardless of platform (I know you get a licence for both but that’s not especially good justification), can you give some indication on the roadmap for the future? Do you intend to add the Mac only features over time?

Hi DaWolfey,

Thank you! Yes, we are working on adding the Mac only features right now.


Hi, Jeroen! Im also a Windows user and was wondering how things are looking. Specifically interested in eVideoIN and eFX to use OBS > Spout filter to show live video of bands on livestream (using ebosuite to blend with eFX and other videos in arrangement).

Im thrilled to see video finally working decently in Ableton 12 and I am super excited to see that ebosuite works in any capacity on this OS at all. Of course, Im hoping to see the full functionality come to Windows.

Have you made any progress since earlier this year? Are there any roadblocks that make these Mac Only devices a “definitive NO” on Windows?

Again, thank you so much!!