Here are a couple videos I made as part of a new release. Everything was done in Live/Ebosuite, with a lot of sampled video and eISF effects. Then exported using OBS, with Blackhole.
Thanks for watching!
Great to see you’re having some much fun using EboSuite. Works really well and great music! Thanks for sharing! Are you using ISF as well? On the OLAV channel we collected many cool ISF’s, effects and generators (check also the ‘liked shaders’ tab)
Thank you! I am having a lot of fun, and EboSuite has really changed the way I work.
Most of my music work has always been sample-based, and now I try to incorporate a lot more audio-video sources when I’m searching for samples. I slice and trigger the AV the same way I would slice up a sample from vinyl (mostly using Push/Simpler/eSimpler) and new AV is created from all the triggered clips. Then I start layering and blending, add audio and video effects (mostly eFX-ISF from the collection you provide), master the audio, and export.
The big change for me is that I’m now working on the visuals while I’m recording and composing, and the way a video sample looks and sounds increasingly influences the samples I choose. Thanks again for the fun software!
That is great! That is exactly why we develop EboSuite, to work with visuals and music in one, unified creative process. Ideal for audio-visual artists. Cheers!