ive been mucking around with track transform and also rotazoom but i cant seem to work out how to rotate an image/video from its centre eg like a record spinning on a turntable. is this possible in ebosuite or better done in other software?
Hi Clay, sorry for my late reply. Images and videos should rotate from their centre when you use the rotation paramater in the eTrackTransform plug-in or the rotation paramater in the eFX-RotaZoom plug-in.
What kind of video are you using? Is the image maybe off-centre, so it appears not to rotate from the centre (like the Octopus drummer.mov in the example pack) ?
ah yes thats what’s going on. i just tried it with a square jpg and it rotated perfectly. everything else ive tried doesnt so it must have transparent backgrounds like the octopus drummer, which i did try too. thanks for the tip.
i did also try to use the crop device and then rotate the cropped video but that didnt work either for a central rotate. might have to try another workaround.