Product key not included with new 2.x License Upgrade

I’ve had Ebosuite 1.x since 12/19/2020. I purchased a License upgrade for 2.x on 2/11/2023 and the response email did not include a product key. Here is what the email said:

Thank You for your order, G

You’ve made a purchase for the EboSuite package from [Ebosuite website]. We hope you’ll be happy using it. You will receive your product key within one working day.

1 x EboSuite upgrade package

[Download your copy of EboSuite here.]
[Download a demo sample pack here.]

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I’ve also tried copying my old product key, but I get the “Waiting for valid code” error.

I would like to have my product key sent so I can begin using cool new features introduced in 2.0!

Hi Grant, I just looked it up and the license key is present in the mail we sent you Yesterday. So it is interesting what happened. I haven’t heard of this issue before. I will forward that mail to you now and send you another email with a different lay-out. Could you forward the email without license key that you received from us to

this has happened exactly to me right now - I’ve just paid but have no code

Two hours after purchase I received my code. Hopefully you should receive yours soon!

Hi wrexony, it can take some time for the license key to arrive, sorry. It should have been sent to you now.

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ok it arrived - thank you

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