Im trying to get an understanding of the range of efx devices and what they do. there isnt a lot of info about them or tutorials on the web and I’m new to video so i dont really understand what a lot of the image specific terms mean eg chroma and all the different blend modes such as multiply etc. So im doing some reading and playing around and trying to organise the efx into similar folders so i dont just stare at this huge list of devices with no context! eg folders like distort / diffuse / blend / key, colour, etc
ebosuite doesnt seem to want me to organise my efx devices. in my user library if i create folders, ebosuite says the devices arent in the right location even though they are within the efx folder.
is this possible, to organise the efx devices?
also if anyone has any good links to useful reading materials on video fx and their history, that would be great. ive been looking around but havent found anything really great yet. Trying to understand keying and all the variations and what they do, when to use them etc. Im interested to read about where these various efx have come from in the analog video world as I’m feeling a bit like someone must feel when they open ableton for the first time but with no experience in analog audio previously: lots of devices but no context about what they do and when they could be useful.