i have a longer video clip 5 min. with a drummer for example. set the warp markers etc. save. great.!!! works.! but i want to show only the loud and important parts, nothing when the drummer is not playing. another with guitar, one with bass etc. how can i do this? is there a mute function i can record? so far i cut everything in short loops, but i don’t want that, i want to keep the long records. thanks!!
Hi Abanze
If you want to cut out the silent parts and ‘glue’ the remaining parts together into one video, you can do that in a few ways:
- use the Quicktime 7 Pro player. Just open your video in this player en cut out the silent parts and save your video as a ‘self contained’ movie. This player is a super easy tool to do basic editing/cropping of video and exporting video to another codec. I use it a lot. Download it here:
Please use Google to find the proper way to upgrade to the Pro version.
- cut your clip into parts and load them in different eSamplers, grouped into a Drum Rack. Create a MIDI clip on the MIDI track with the eSamplers and place notes in this MIDI clip to set the order of the parts and the lenght. Use the eComper to compile this MIDI clip into a new video (see EboSuite manual).
- cut your clip into parts and load them in different clips slots on an audio track with an eClips loaded. Use Follow actions to make the clips automatically play after each other. This will not result I one new video clip, but you 'll have the same result. When you play the first clip (the top one) it will automatically play the second one after that, and then the next etc. so the together form one longer video. An advantage of this approach is that you easily can adjust the length and the timing of the cuts whenever you like.
- Use another video editor to cut out the silent parts and ‘glue’ the remaining parts together.
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