I’m exploring www.VDO.ninja streaming through OBS and wondered if there was a way to ingest individual VDO.ninja streams directly into Ebosuite (rather than into OBS as browser sources).
If that isn’t possible, is there a way to extract those individual streams from OBS, mix them in Ebosuite and then push them back to OBS (or a different instance of OBS)?
Hi, I have no experience with VDO.ninja, but I have used NDI tools to send different visual streams to OBS. You can download NDI tools here (free): https://www.ndi.tv/tools/. With the NDI Scan Converter app you can grab the content of any window and turn it into a NDI stream. With NDI virtual input you can turn any NDI stream into a virtual webcam, so you can use it in OBS and EboSuite. With the NDI Syphon app from VIDVOX (download here for free NDISyphon | VIDVOX Documentation) you can turn any NDI stream into a Syphon stream to use it in EboSuite. With the Syphon Virtual Webcam app from Troikatronix you can turn any Syphon stream into a virtual webcam to use it in OBS and EboSuite. I hope this is helpful. Cheers