I been making some visuals in Max4live Oscilloscope2.9 and I want to record the video. The problem is that it’s a midi device with its own window and Ebosuite can’t see it when using the eOutput/Syphon output on the master channel. Is there any way to get eOutput to see the Oscilloscope window, so that I can record the video in Syphon, or other program?
Further maybe useful information;
I’m working in the arrangement view, using Ebosuite 1.9, Mac mini, ableton 11.3.13
Hi ringokidf,
You could try to grab the output of that window with the (free) NDI Scan Converter application from NDI tools (https://ndi.video/tools/). You should be able to capture any window and turn it into a NDI stream.
With the (free) NDISyphon application you can turn this NDI stream into a Syphon stream (NDISyphon | VIDVOX Documentation).
If you’d like to record this with the eVideoIn plug-in use the Virtual Webcam application to turn this Syphon stream into a virtual webcam that you can select as a source in the eVideoIn plug-in (TROIKATRONIX : ISADORA - Syphon Virtual Webcam).
Thanks for the fast reply, suggestions and all the links provided.
Unfortunately it´s not really working.
I can get the whole suggested chain working and record the video of Ableton, but it´s not recording the Oscilloscope window but the view of Ableton, like a screenshot. I don´t have an option in NID scan converter to see the Oscilloscope window
Ai, NDI Scan Converter doesn’t recognise that window as a separate window. I will check with the team if we have another solution and will get back to you
Sorry to bug you again about my problem. I do understand that it’s not really related to EboSuite but I haven’t found any other people that could help me with a fix.
Did any of the guys at the office have any ideas to solve this?
Probably the only way to solve this, is to add Syphon to this m4l device. That shouldn’t be too hard. We don’t have time for that now, but somebody with some experience with m4l and Max in general should be able to add this pretty easily.
Thanks for your help. I’ve contacted some guys s that knows more about M4L and maybe they can help me out in the future.
As for now I just recorded the video with quick time screen recorder. Not the best quality but it ok for now.
Hey, maybe try using OBS to record the oscilloscope window. It takes some tweaking to get good quality recordings, but once you set it up it’s a piece of cake.