Making a project faster to load


I’ve got a liveset of 20 minutes now, only using the hapq video format. It’s working fine but the loading takes very long, about 10 minutes. Replaced as much eSamplers with eSimplers as I could, which made it 8 minutes, but still it worries me for in case I need to restart it. Closing Ableton also takes a few minutes.

Are there any other things I can do, besides replacing eSamplers, to make my Ableton project lighter to load?

My specs:
M1 Max 16-inch
Memory 32gb
Hapq video’s on a portable ssd

(Also using some isf filters and quite a lot of eArrangment
Definitely not 20m of video’s as I’m looping a lot)

Thanks in advance!

And is there by any chance a version of the eSimpler available that does allow different playspeeds? :upside_down_face: Even just an option for playspeed 0 (so not playing at all but just giving the frame from the startpos) would already help me a lot!

Hi, there aren’t many ways to speed up loading unfortunately, but 10 minutes for a set sounds pretty extreme. Replacing eSamplers with eSimplers will speed up loading. Are you using a lot of automation as well? Automation might also take a lot of time to load. Unfortunately Max for Live, which we partly use to make the plug-ins, tends to take a lot of time to load and that is outside of our control. Could you maybe send your Live set, without media, to, so we can have a look and maybe advise how to speed up loading?

If you play lower pitch notes with the eSimpler, the playback will be slower, so that is a way to have different play speeds.
The eSimpler has the ability to freeze the first frame or the last played frame, If you set freeze time to the minimal (first frame) or maximum (last frame) value. So you could use that I guess? Set it to the minimal value and trigger it briefly, with a short midi note, so it plays just the first frame. If you play lower pitch notes, the playback will be slower, so the first frame will be visible longer. That makes it easier to trigger just the first frame and the freeze paramater will then make it stay indefinitely.

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Hi Jeroen,

Yesss, playing low midi notes with eSimpler does the trick :+1:

Yes I do use quite some automation. Does simplifying envelopes help for that matter?
I sent a wetransfer to contact@ebosuite. Also added some the LFO’s I use.

Thanks for taking a look.

Update: replaced almost all eSamplers and removed a lot of unnessary automation breakpoints, but loading time is still the same :frowning:

Hi Jim, we received your project and will have a look. Thanks. Interesting that replacing eSamplers and cleanup automation doesn’t make a difference. Let’s figure out what’s happening.

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