Hello! I tried to use Ebosuite on the newest ableton update (in Beta) and the ebosuite screen doesn’t pop up when I put one of the devices on a session track. Does the devices have a problem with the newest Max version inside ableton (version 8.0.3 I believe)?
Hi Owea.ga, I just tried it myself and have the same problem. We will fix it now and add it to version 1.4 that we will release next week. So unfortunately you can’t use EboSuite with Live 10.1b12 until the next release, but you dont have to wait long.
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Perfect! Don’t worry I always have another version of ableton installed that work fine on my mac but I thought it was useful to put this on the forum in case other people had the same “panic attack” that I had hahaha Looking forward to version 1.4 then! Have a great day!
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Hi, we have a quick fix. When you add 5 zeros to the name of the Ableton 10.1 beta application EboSuite will work, see below. In version 1.4 we will fix this properly.
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Yes it works! Thanks!