ISF Shader Randomization

Hi all, I’ve been working on incorporating more ISF shaders. When working with clips in session view, and video, I would have a bunch of 8 bar clips and then use AL randomization in macros and such to randomly change. This works great.

I’d like to do this with ISF shaders. For starters I tried using clips to automate the prev/next buttons with MIDI. This works, but since you can’t pick a random ISF Shader from the list, you are limited with what you can do, and when it cycles back to the beginning of the ISF Shader drop down list, it goes blank. I even tried using a few clips with midi CC to go in 1, 2, 3 multiples, which works but you see the rapid shader switching so that behavior isn’t great.

Next I tried multiple ISF devices in same channel. I am unable to get multiples to work as inserts, as instrument racks, fx racks, or in a drum rack.

Also took a stab at the opacity slider options, but it seems that the opacity has no effect on the ISF device to the right in the chain, that one just stays full strength.

Ultimately, if there was a way to pick the shader from the device drop down by index, or a random number, and omit the zero state, that would be sick.

If anyone has a way to do this, thanks ahead of time.