Is there a way to update .adg files from 1.X to 2.x? I have a ton of saved presets I developed over time, and now they no longer work after upgrading. I store them in my Ableton Collections.
I see there’s a tool to update .als files, but could the tool be extended to update Ableton Device Group (.adg) files I have stored in my personal presets? It would save me a ton of time trying to remember how they’re all built.
Hi, that is inconvenient. Sorry about that. We will look into that tomorrow and let you know what we can do. A work around would be to save the groups in a project, upgrade the project and then save the groups separately again. But that is not ideal, I agree.
Thanks for the quick response. That was going to be my workaround. Keep me posted. I have a feeling other users may find this update method useful. Love the software.
Thanks, I got them
I see you use both live 10 and live 11 presets, so it’s a bit of a puzzle to it manually.
But… I found out that the structure is so similar to als files that it already works to upgrade them with the eLiveSetTool by changing the extension to .als and renaming them again to .adg or .adv after upgrading, so that is really nice. (I mean, this quick test seems to work well and looks promising).
I will send these upgraded test files back to you and if they work correctly I will make that change in the eLiveSetTool to accept .adg and .adv files as well.
repeating my private email response here, for others that may be having similar issues:
for the most part, the upgraded files came over OK. The base FX you’ve built now load and work correctly.
The LFO and Envelope Follower mappings I had in my saved racks didn’t always come over correctly. I’m guessing that some of the FX have changed, so the slider mappings got unlinked.
They also all dropped their “Ableton Collections” Tags, so I had to go and find them and retag them into my “Visual FX” folder. Very minor issue, but If someone were to have dozens of these saved, that could be a small headache.
At least they work now, but for some of them, I’ll still have to remap the modulations - some of those I probably have forgotten by now. I’d imagine this could probably happen in the upgraded .als files that have LFO / Envelope modulation applied.
But at least the FX now show up correctly. Growing pains, eh?
Love the software. Thanks for the quick response and support. It is much appreciated.
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the feedback. Glad it works for the most part.
Here are some comments:
yes, some mappings need to be redone, this is due to the fact that there is back change these will break everytime there is a change in the parameters of the device. This is a limitation of Max for Live, I cannot really help or fix that.
yes, you need to add the tags again, this is not copied when making a new file
Thanks for the kind words!
Ok, I will add .adg and .adv support for eLiveSetTool