How to update to 2.2

hi stupid question but can someone explain how to update? everytime i try it seems that ableton crashes. with manual update, should i just grab and put the file on the ableton user library? thanks

Hi drth,
What Ableton version are you using? Could you send us a crash report? We haven’t had any complaints about the EboSuite 2.2 installer, so we are curious what is happening.

The manual update is very easy. In the manual installation folder you’ll find four folders:

Put the EboSuite folder with the eLiveSetTool in your Applications folder, put the folder with the EboSuite plug-ins in Ableton Live’s User Library and put the folder with the ISF Shaders in the Users/Shared folder (if you downloaded or made shaders yourself add them to the new folder). For an update you don’t have to install the fonts, they should already be part of your OS.

You can read more about this in the manual here: