HAP movie not playing in arrange view - codec installed

I have had this working previously on another computer. I could play HAP movies in ableton arrange page so i can edit start and end points. I have installed the quicktime codec on my new computer as noted in the ebosuite manual. I have checked that the HAP component is in my library in the quicktime folder.


quicktime wont open a HAP encoded movie without converting it and ableton arrange page wont play a HAP movie.

Im on a mac with Mojave. not really sure how to fix this.

Hi Clay, Ableton changed the way they treat video drastically in Live 10.1. Since then Hap doesn’t work anymore in Live. You can use Hap in the EboSuite plug-ins only now. They also dropped support for image files then. A pitty, i agree. To use Hap in QuickTime Player you’ll need version 7, QT Player X doesnt support Hap.

If you upgrade to QuitckTime 7 Pro you have some nice editing functions in QuickTime Player 7.

@Jeroen no worries, thanks for letting me know. That must be very frustrating for you when they do that - roll back functionality! I was just trying to use that technique you showed me ages ago to line up video. anyway creativity is about dealing with limitations :wink:

BTW I am blown away by Ebosuite - just reminded how amazing this is as I’m putting a short video together for a song with my wife. I was trying to explain to her, how much gear you would have needed to do this back in the day…crazy!

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I am glad you are enjoying EboSuite! Yes, working with music and visuals at the same time has always been a lot of hassle. I hope we can make EboSuite the ultimate instrument for that artform. Thank you for yor support!