Freeze last frame eSampler bug

Using Ableton Live 11 on Mac M1.
The eSampler has the option to freeze the last frame of a video part played. Meaning if I have slices 1, 2, 3, 4 of a short video file it is supposed to freeze the last frames of every slice.
The problem is that the eSampler freezes the last frame of the first slice and afterwards shows that freezed frame at the end of all other slices.
Meaning I play Slice 1, frame freezed of Slice 1.
Then I play Slice 2, the freezed frame of Slice 1 shows at the end.
Play slice 3, at the end again the freezed frame of slice 1.
Meaning all following freezed frames are replaced by the first freezed frame created instead of generating freezed frames for every individual slice.
What’s the solution. Can one manually fix this?

This is a known issue and fixed in the next version.

thanks for the reply!