Exporting footage with alpha for HAP / Ebosuite

Hello, I have rotoscoped some footage in Davinci Resolve so I can layer stuff nicely in Ebosuite.

Can anybody please advise on how to export footage with alpha channel for use in Ebosuite?

I have tried many different settings but I haven’t been able to get AVF Batch Exporter to correctly read any of the formats that have alpha. It only reads h.264 with no alpha.

Alternatively has anybody come up with a plugin for direct HAP export from Resolve?

Hi dfbpurcell, I don’t use Resolve, so I can’t help you with your questions about that, but (perhaps unnecessarily) I’ll show you below how to convert any alpha video to ProRes 4444 or Hap Alpha to use videos with alpha in EboSuite.

In AVF Batch Converter: press settings and select Hap Alpha or ProRes 4444.
In the eConvert plug-in: enable ‘Support Alpha Channel’ and select the codec.