eTrackTransform preset bug?

The presets which are grouped together ie tracktransform + crop still affect the clip when the rack activator is off.

The activator of each device is affects the clip irrespective of whether the rack is switched on or off.

Changing parameters when the rack is off has no effect but the clip is still transformed.

Does this make any sense?!?!?!

On a vaguely similar note, clips in groups are still visible if the group track activator is turned off.

Not sure if this is a bug or by design but it seems counter intuitive to me.

Hi Gaspav, the issue with the rack activator is a bug and we will have a look at that. I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but I can’t reproduce the issue with the group track activator. The track activator of a group Track works fine here (videos in the group aren’t visible when the track is deactivated).

Here is a screenshot of what I mean. A group containing an AV clip in track 3. You can see that the group is muted but the video is still playing.

10.15.7, Ableton 11.1.15, Ebosuite 2.001, Bundled Max.

Hi Gavspav, ah yes, this seems to be a bug too. We will look into it. Thank you for reporting.

On my system the eCrop doesn’t affect the clip when the rack activator is off (but the eTrackTransform does). Are you sure it is still affecting the clip when the activator is off?