Hi - a couple of times I have managed to create a full track video in the Ableton Live arrangement view, but EboSuite crashes each time I recall the set.
My process is:
Drag an eArrangement onto an Ableton Live audio track.
Drag various video files onto the track.
Save the set.
Initially all works fine - the videos display in the EboSuite window. But when I reopen the track in Ableton (after saving and closing Ableton/EboSuite), Ableton loads OK, but EboSuite tries to launch and crashes.
There are approximately 26 videos at 720p, overall size 4.5Gb.
I am using EboSuite v2.2 and Ableton Live 12 (there is no issue with Ableton).
Could it be an issue with the video file types I am using? The first time I had the crash, all the files had the extension .mp4 (with a slightly smaller overall size). I converted all the files using AVF Batch Convertor so they had the extension .mp4_2.mov (QuickTime), but I still have the crash issue.
Is the crash issue to do with the file extension? What is the correct file extension?
Hi Ronny,
Sorry to hear that. 26 720p videos shouldn’t be a problem at all. But h264 (mp4) might cause all kinds of issues.
.mov is the correct file extension. Did you convert them to HAP or ProRes? If you are using an M1/M2, ProRes is the best choice.
Are you sure you replaced all files?
I should probably mention that I’m using a Macbook Pro.
I think I may have solved the issue by using the eConvertor tool to convert the videos to HAP - so the files have the suffix _HAP.mov.
Previously I used AVF Batch Convertor to convert the 26 videos from .mp4 to HAP.mov, but for some reason this caused EboSuite to crash. No idea why - in theory the files had the suffix _HAP.mov. Could there be something about the settings in AVF Batch Convertor that means the files aren’t the correct format even though they seemingly have the correct file extension?
Anyway, it seems to work if I use eConvertor, but this is tedious for converting a lot of files. I’d rather use AVF Batch Convertor if you can recommend the settings to use.