Ebosuit and audio analysis

Hi! I was wondering if it is planned to release an audio analysis mode for the next devices in ebosuite ( FX devices)
I don’t use a fixed tempo for certain of my sets so it would be nice to have something native in the suite!

I had another idea for FX devices (with audio analysis or not). It would be handy to drag and drop the devices on the video track that you choose and that the effect worked right away on it. A kind of modular layering, just like ableton and their devices ( putting the FX devices next to each other, change the blending mode of the final render of the video track and it would change the final result if you put one FX behind or in front of another FX)

Just and idea to be easier to sketch and create some visuals right away.


ps: Do you plan on releasing a 4 (or more) video track mixer too? I use to use vizzable 2 and thats a device I used the most to mix videotracks and generative visuals on top of them.

Hi Owae
Yes, we are planning on adding a video mixer and we are now adding modular video effects. We produced a lot of visual effects, compositing and mixing technology in the past (see www.ebostudio.info/EboSuite-Story) and will add all these concepts to EboSuite in the near future, so there is a lot to come.

Ableton 10 comes with a Max for Live device called ‘Envelope Follower’ that analyses audio and that you can use to control other parameters (from EboSuite plug-ins for example).

Thanks for the reply! Yes, I am aware of the use of the Envelope Follower device. That’s the one I am using right now :slight_smile: . It is true that you can manipulate the parameters with more control using it. I was thing of a toggle buton on each FX device to use audio analysis more easily but the max device is way more interesting.