I want to use Ebosuite to sync my complete videoclip to my Ableton session. However, my clip is about 5 Gb’s big, and an MOV file. Now I can use the converter in Ableton to do the trick for me, but this literally took 1,5 to 2 hours to complete. Are there any other ways or converters to convert or add the .hap codec??
please help!
June 18, 2018, 12:15am
Hi Maico, converting to Hap can take a long time indeed. In a few weeks we will launch the next update that will add support for more codecs to EboSuite.
You can also use the free AVF batch converter to convert multiple files at once:
With Quicktime 7 Pro you can convert multiple files as well:
You can find more information about the Pro license here:
How To Get Quicktime 7 Pro For Free (Mac & Windows) WORKING 2017 - YouTube
To use Hap in Quicktime you’ll need to install the free Hap codec as well:
Releases · Vidvox/hap-qt-codec · GitHub
Read more about conversion in the manual from page 12 or in the Quickstart guide.
How many files do you need to convert? If you like we can help you convert them. Just send your files to contact@ebosuite.com . You can send large files with (a.o.) https://send-anywhere.com , Grote bestanden versturen gratis | Bestand uploaden | Bestandsoverdracht , https://transfer.pcloud.com , Send & Share Large Files Up To 250GB | JUMBOmail or Google Drive.
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