Selling my Ebosuite key

Hey guys

I am selling my Ebosuite key. This is because I am not using it, since there is no support for Windows yet, and I am not going to buy a Mac just for this.

Selling it for 59$

Msg me here

*Hope this is allowed here. If the admins don’t allow this, just delete this msg and let me know.

Hi Cristian… if it possible I’d like to buy that from you!

regards, Ben Bouman
email: ben at

Hi Christian, sorry to hear that you can’t use EboSuite, but it is a good thing that you can make Ben happy with a license this way :stuck_out_tongue: Shall I put you on the mailinglist, so we can send you a notification when we know more about the Windows version? Send us an email at if you like to be added. Cheers.

Hi Ben, did you buy the license? I should add you our mailinglist, so we can notify you when a new update is released. Please let me know if you would like to be added. Cheers.

Hoi Jeroen.

Ik heb de licentie overgenomen en ook al geactiveerd.Kun je mij inderdaad op de mailinglist zetten?
Ik zie in Ableton bij EboSuite: Licensed to Cristian.
Moeten we dat nog aanpassen?? Voor mij is dat niet nodig.

groet, Ben Bouman

Hoi Ben, ik heb je in de lijst gezet. De naam laten we zo dan.
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