Ebosuite + NDIsyphon is truly awesome put together!

Hi! I did some tests using the NDIsyphon app ( NDISyphon | VIDVOX Documentation ) and 3 eSyphon out devices, each on three different tracks and it is awesome. This could be a big step up for live collaboration or workshops (using Ableton Link too). NDI is perfect to create a modular network of live video feeds/devices and interact in realtime alltogether in a same visual project. Did you guys know about this app or technology? Do you use it?

Here is an exemple with two computers:

Wires free!



Here is a (free) NDI camera app for your iPhone as a bonus :wink:


Would it be a good idea to make an ebosuite NDI device? In and out, like the eSyphon ones?

Hi Owae.ga, NDI is a great tool! Thanks for the in depth post. Cool to see how well it works in your situation. NDI is definitely something we should add to EboSuite. We are now working on other todo’s, but you can expect NDI to be added later this year.